Buena Vista Water Storage District, Northern Area Pipeline: 2016 Buttonwillow, CA

NCI’s forces installed over 62,000LF of 54” HDPE Pipeline, dozens of farmer turnouts, air/vac assemblies, and an undercrossing of Interstate 5.

Antelope Valley-East Kern Water Agency, 48” Transmission Pipeline: 2012 Antelope Acres, CA

Project included of the installation of over 30,000LF of 48” CMLC welded steel pipeline, air/vac assemblies, traffic control, and tie-in to the agency’s western water supply pipeline

Central California Irrigation District, Los Banos Creek-Delta Mendota Canal Intertie: 2016 Los Banos, CA

Project included the installation of three major water control structures. A water control structure was built across Los Banos Creek, which diverted water into a reinforced box culvert, ultimately diverting water into the Delta Mendota Canal. A steel cofferdam was designed, constructed and installed by NCI for the construction of the outfall structure into the DMC.

North Kern Water Storage District, Calloway Canal-BNSF Railroad Tunnel: 2014 Bakersfield, CA

The Calloway Canal extension to the Cross Valley Canal was left short of the BNSF railway. NCI was contracted to install a double-barrel 120” RCP siphon under the tracks. The project included an extensive track monitoring program, soil stabilization and beam and plate shored launch and receiving shafts. Tunnel was excavated using an open faced TBM in river sand conditions.

Antelope Valley-East Kern Water Agency, East Water Banking Facility 2015 Pearblossom, CA

Project consisted of a 80-acre water banking and pumping facility including four deep well pumps, lined water banking ponds, over 15,000LF of water pipelines, reinforced concrete inlet/outlet structures, 70’x40’ CMU building housing a vertical turbine booster pump station, chlorine storage and injection system and all MCC’s and electrical systems.